Text © by Jasminka Petrović, Odiseja, 2013.
Illustration © by Ana Petrović, Odiseja, 2013.
Translated into English by Daniela Nikolić
Translated into Spanish by Jelena Ješić
Rights sold to: Sweden
Pages: 96, Age 6–10
Jasminka Petrović, our popular and award-winning author, was often engaged in theaters and television over the recent years, and she used this experience to write a collection of short plays for children’s theatre of younger school age. They are convenient for performing at home, in the classroom or on stage. Jasminka Petrović always bears in mind those working with children, the teachers, librarians, workshop leaders, and provides additional content for them: discussion topics, home assignments, ideas for linking individual plays with different school subjects. She also included in the book a short and age-specific glossary of theatrical terms. The book is graphically designed and illustrated by Ana Petrović, her talented daughter. This close cooperation within the Petrović family workshop contributed to the beauty of this book. The collection contains 20 plays for home and school children’s theatre: ten for children ages 6-8, and ten for children ages 8-10. The author recommends theatre and acting for all children, not just for future actors, given that it promotes self-confidence and imagination, and helps fight the stage fright. Also, since the theater encompasses a variety of arts (literature, music, painting, performing arts, etc) children have the opportunity to discover their hidden talents. "Learn through play, create out of joy. Be yourselves and a little bit better.